A Closed Mind
I was having a chat with a friend the other day. We mentioned the subject of the violence in Iraq and I expressed my dismay at the way the Sunni's and the Shiites were inflicting terrible casualty on one another. Her answer left me speechless. She said most people who were knowledgeable on the subject of Islam know that the Shiites don't really worship God. She's Muslim. That she put it so matter of factly left me quite cold. I know I should have pursued the conversation further but I'm usually careful not to discuss religion.
The simplicity of her point of view also made me reflect on my own position on issues of faith. Do I also, as a Christian, start from the foundation of the rightness of my religion? I would hope not. Well maybe I do but to the point that I'd justify and understand the death of others who don't share my faith? I most certainly do not. Maybe it's Christianiy, I know the choice belongs to everyone, to believe or not believe.
When we look at conflicts in different parts of the world, viewing issues through the prism of a closed mind creates a block to understanding and the possibility of harmonious relations. As for me, her attitude has made me decide to be even more tolerant of others. Hindu's, Bhuddhists, Atheists, Muslims etc. The key to this is choice. Just because you were born or have gone through a period of revelation resulting on your current faith does not mean you should look from a position of arrogance at others. And yes, I know we'll probably continue the conversation one day. And yes, I know I'm classed as unbelieving...
Caveat: Not all Muslims think like this and yes some Christians can be as bad
It's not the religion that defines someone, but the ideals.
I've met 'Muslims' who've treated me like a king, and I meet 'Christians' everyday who treat me like dirt, yet they'll be the first to say the muslims will rot in hell while they'll go to heaven.
I'm glad you steered away from religious discourse. It's a very touchy issue, even with me. I stopped discussing my beliefs a long time ago because they don't exactly follow what most 'Christians' would think is right.
This just gets me. People are indeed very interesting. I find myself unable to remain friendly with people like this....Someone once told me that i didnt really worship God properly because i didnt go to her church. We still talk but i see her in a different light now....
Azuka, at 18, I was so relieved God 'did' not exist and there'd be no judgement!
Hi, Uzo, her loss. Sad little cocoon she has to live in...
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