Saturday, February 24, 2007

How not to keep your man

I just read a post dated Wednesday, February 21,2007 in and left the following comment.

The heart of the King is in God's hands..He turns it where he wants it to go. Contrast it with, Choose you this day whom you'd serve; all are paraphrases from the Bible.

Inasmuch as God has tuned His ear to your friend's prayers, remember her husband has free will which is his God given right and he is exercising it. God is not a magician people. Forget home videos where it's like 'abracadabra' and the man starts, like a zombie, caring for his wife and family. This is real life! He is having the time of his life while your friend's youth as time goes on is disappearing. Her breasts can only go further south and he'll always find other pretty young things to cheer him up while your friend wallows in self pity. There is nothing romantic about a whining, 'trying to make me feel guilty' wife. Tell her to strip before a mirror. What will she see at her age. A beautiful firm body, enough to mesmerise her man, something to blow his brains out when they make love and sure to keep him running home for more. If he cant appreciate what he's got now, who is to say he'll stay the whole hog with her (until death do us part). She hasn't even begun to have kids. I'm so angry.

Add this to the mix, there's HIV out there. Why do we as naija women refuse to demand faithfulness from our men. I get really sick because it's a disease we are all infected with from childhood. I'll tell you a story of my cousin. He had so many affairs he stopped hiding them from his wife. She complained and finally spoke to my auntie (his mum) about it. Come and see drama, my aunt warned her that did she (his wife) think his pe--s was made for only her, that her son was an only child and his wife should not expect to be able to give her the number of grandchildren she deserves. Hmmmm. Fast forward a few years. Husband and wife are both dead. Yup, full blown Aids and my auntie is left to pick up the pieces of looking after the small grand children, four of them.

I know we are competitive in naija. It's like coming last when all your friends are married and you are not. Your friend probably cant fanthom rocking the boat so her marriage dosent end. I suggest she does, it might make him respect her and change his behaviour leading to a healthier marriage. She should not be afraid of being alone if it comes to that, I'm sure my cousin's wife would have loved to be alive now to raise her kids as she always dreamt.


At 9:07 AM, Blogger Azuka said...

What kind of aunt is that?

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Nomad said...

If there ever was a mother in law from hell...and every family has its own certifiable looney. Very traditional in her outlook, although she never lived by that creed when she was young, I gather...The wife was also determined to be the dutiful naija wife.

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

From what I've heard, the aunt isnt' so unusual in her thinking. It is a well known fact that a large number of Nigerian men cheat on their wives and that most of these wives are aware of it.

Is it just me who thinks that if women to take a stand and let their men know that they won't put up with it, and left the men who continued to cheat, I'm pretty sure the men would wise up ... after all, people will always try something if they know they can get away with it. Once they learn that that's not the case though, I'm pretty sure there'll be a change.

I'm glad you left this comment on that post.

At 1:27 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Vicki,are you married?if not,you dont know how this thing work in naija-you pack your baggages and see that another woman pack in immediately and your husband wouldnt miss you.Until we women join forces to fight this oppression,we aint achieve nothing.Do you know some girls are so desperate that they will lure your husband with everything including paying to sleep with them-its so bad and men are taking advantage of that.

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Linkachild Admin said...

Hmmm "dutiful naija wife" you make that sound so wrong.
you know the saying about 2 wrongs...

A marriage is an investment and I am sorry to say you do no just walk out on an investment without doing all that is possibly.

Vicki.. it is very easy to say say "walk out" or "leave" to do, is another thing. Marriage has it's ups and is the road of true love, it's something you keep working on. Vows are made before the couple and God.. so if one of the two fails...that should not mean the other does too.

... and yes I believe there is nothing impossible if you believe and trust God to be in control( and not you)

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Infact men will deliberately cheat on their wives of many years so you will get upset and leave an easy way to trade you in for a damsel of their choice.

Thats Nigerian society for you -it is indeed (in Nigeria) a man's world !

At 8:12 PM, Blogger NneomaMD said...

the story at the end was sooooo sad. i'm really tired of hearing one story after the other of women getting walked all over upon. we have a family friend who is going through a similar situation. i just don't get it. why can't we just LEAVE! so what if someone comes in and takes over. is it worth having your life end in the same manner as this one did in this story. yes, marriages has its ups and downs but christ also provided that marriages should end in the case of infidelity and he had good reason to say so. infidelity erodes a woman's self-worth - it kills her mentally and otherwise. stop taking the abuse people. just stop.


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